sâmbătă, 30 ianuarie 2010


The victory is ours,GREAT LIONS!We finally destroyed "the bunnies".For we shall rule the world,we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and the oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our race, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

This song is dedicated to all these brave LIONS all around the world:

Kawasaki EN500@Gura Humorului 16 Aug. 2009

vineri, 29 ianuarie 2010


Un bun prieten de-al meu din generala a facut o chestie super-smechera care te ajuta sa vezi daca unul din contactele tale e online/offline/invisible,chiar din yahoo messenger,fara sa mai intri pe site-uri ca www.ydetector.com,iar asta mi se pare super util pentru cei care stau pe mess de pe telefon.

joi, 28 ianuarie 2010



Ce naiba?!Da,sint un snob.Da,sint un nesimtit,un arogant,un mistocar fara limite,un porc in picioare,animal in adevaratul sens al cuvintului.

Si stii de ce?!

Fiindca imi permit,domnule,imi permit.IQ-ul meu superior unei maimute capucin,care,intre noi fie vorba,este extrem de inteligenta,imi da voie sa ma manifest in asa hal.Fiindca tara asta de rahat,cu oameni de rahat(btw,nu sint unul dintre ei)cu magazine de rahat,cu cinematografe de rahat(exceptie face Cinema City Cotroceni&Iasi)chiar si cu natura de semi-rahat nu merita altceva mai bun de la un om ca mine.Multumesc,Tudor.

P.S.: I'm in the process of killing all the "bunnies" in the world.DIE BITCH!

Da,da,acei "iepurasi">:)

miercuri, 27 ianuarie 2010

Cu computerul pe balcon

Se ia una bucata PC,se monteaza in balcon la -15C numai impreuna cu perifericele strict necesare(tastatura,maus,monitor)si se incepe o sesiune semi-serioasa de overclocking.
Cum placa de baza nu-mi permite mai mult de 3100mhz pe proc(E5200)am zis sa-l las la 3000 pentru aceasta serie de teste.

Cind vine vorba de placa video insa,treaba e diferita.Limitarile apar din cauza temperaturilor si a voltajelor relativ scazute.Problema cu gradele am eliminat-o dar a ramas voltajul,pina la un eventual volt-mod.

Am bibilit eu ce-am bibilit si am scos un maiestuos 710/1100,cu racire stock la al meu HD4830.Pun si rezultatul in FurMark si va rog a observa temperatura=))

P.S.: Am dat si un stability test,iar dupa ~7 minute termometrul arata 48C,cu un peak value de 51C.Asta ma face sa fiu extrem de multumit.

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miercuri, 20 ianuarie 2010

Nici o zi fara noutati

Am facut un nou fisier audio ca sa va bucur urechile.Sorry pentru calitate:P

Tudor - Stirile de la ora cinci
Asculta mai multe audio Blog

vineri, 8 ianuarie 2010

How a vice changed my life

There was a time when I used to be on drugs most of the time,and drink a lot of alcohol,in other words,a douchebag.But my life is different now because on oct. 26th,a day that I will never forget,I met a wonderful yet weird woman.

It was a cold foggy day in Smackville,NY.I was just sitting there in the street,all alone,left in misery.And then SHE came and introduced herself,her name was Joanne.Her beauty was astonishing.She started to tell me about her former husband,who died of cocaine and left 2 young children sans their father.I stood up and told myself never to drink and take drugs at all. 

Now I'm married to Joanne,and we have one lovely boy,Mark.The other 2 were killed by The Shaker.

Happy Hanukkah!

My imagination's high developed

William Stunton a.k.a <The Shaker> is searched by the Police in all 52 States.He is supposed to be hidden in a nice small village somewhere near San Diego but we're not sure.He's 1.80m tall,about 70 kilos and 28 years old.If you can give any infos about his location,you're advised to call 911.

Now we ought to tell you something about his marvelous murdering technique.So,he catches his victims by pulling their hands off and shaking them until they get unconscious.After that,he sticks a knife into his victim's eye and "the wanted to be dead"-man eventually dies.If not,various methods are used,but we're not in position to confirm them.

Be careful,people!Happy Hanukkah !